Monday, April 30, 2012

Erie is "Perry 200" Celebration begins

Erie is "Perry 200" Celebration begins

raising three flags, the Erie’s “Perry 200″ party officially started. It honors Erie role in the war in 1812 and the Battle of Lake Erie. It is a fight where a young naval captain named Oliver Hazard Perry, the use of ships, built in Erie, miraculously defeated the mighty British.

“Think about it. 27-year-old. You come to the desert, in principle, what this was, and you are told,” to build a raft and go to the sea and defeated the British. “I think it is amazing when you think about. It’s a David and Goliath story,” says Barry Grossman, Erie County Executive.

“Perry 200″ raised $ 1.5 million to an 18-month celebration to hold kick-off with a ceremony Monday in Erie’s Perry School.

“Those of us who have worked with it, we have been waiting for this day. We are very excited. And we think the community will be resurrected,” says Joyce Savocchio, 200 Perry, Co-Chairman.

During t he kickoff, the committee announced that the celebration events will be reported to Erie in a scale never seen before to bring. Fireworks to measure them in every major city.

“They are going to be kicked out of 4 different locations. North and South, East and West. It is a screen that looks like Washington and New York to take,” said Dr. William Garvey, Jefferson Educational Society. The Association is the largest sponsor of the celebration.

It was also announced that one of the biggest festivals ever Tall Ships on the Great Lakes will be held. The Commission will also sponsor a big parade that will draw 150,000 people.

“They will beard and beer. They will be burgers. There will be contests sideburns. We want the city to have a good time,” says Garvey.

“Perry 200″ will also instructive. Students who witnessed the flag raising ceremony, and many other Erie students will participate in a special curriculum, focused on the war in 1812 and the Battle of Lake Erie.

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WICU – News

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